Join me at the KINNABARI Teahouse for an afternoon of Jin Shin Jyutsu®.
Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a physio-philosophy that involves the application of the hands for gently balancing the flow of life energy in the body; more generally, it is the awakening to awareness of complete harmony within the self and the universe. It is the art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in the body. Our bodies contain several energy pathways that feed life into all of our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this damming effect may lead to discomfort or even pain. This blockage or stagnation will not only disrupt the local area but will continue and eventually dis-harmonize the complete path or paths of the energy flow. Through Jin Shin Jyutsu our awareness is awakened to the simple fact that we are endowed with the ability to harmonize and balance ourselves (in rhythm with the Universe) physically, mentally and spiritually.
When our energy body is harmonized our physical body is able to relax and heal.
You will be guided through several flows that will harmonize all energy functions that rebuild the body, relax the mind, and support the breath.
Please bring a blanket and three pillows (or cushions) and wear comfortable clothing that supports relaxation.
Open to all ages, shapes, kinds of humans able to rest in quiet while I share the JSJ flows for up to 90 minutes. Lauren will be serving homemade Chai afterwards during share time.
Suggested donation $35 ( Please let us know if you would like support with this payment )
Location: KINNABARI Teahouse
Hosted by: Lauren Stern of Pachamamaleh and KINNABARI Teahouse
Contact to reserve your space.