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Women's Tea Medicine Circle w/Lauren & Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Harmonizing Flow


"Women gather round for a Tea Medicine Circle. It has been some time since we have met just us women here in SLC, so I've added an additional half-hour so that we can have more time to share with one another, and so that we can experience Jin Shin Jyutsu with Lara of LK Healing. 

Jin Shin Jyutsu®  is a physio-philosophy that involves the application of the hands for gently balancing the flow of life energy in the body; more generally, it is the awakening to awareness of complete harmony within the self and the universe. It is the art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in the body. Lara will be guiding us through a self-harmonizing flow.

Those who have shared tea and those that are new to tea - please do join us. All women of all ages are welcome including those identifying as female. This includes young women that are able to sit in quiet for up to an hour. Bring your grandmamas, your mamas, bring your sisters, your cousins, your aunts, your sweet neighbor, your co-worker ... 

Location: SLC, UT

By donation. Contact to reserve your seat."

Please view event details and Lauren's other amazing offerings here.