We are delighted to welcome Anita Willoughby to Salt Lake City!
Anita Willoughby is a Physio-Philosopher who has practiced Jin Shin Jyutsu for 30 years. Anita’s ability to quickly create a relaxed learning environment in any cultural context makes her a highly sought-out teacher around the globe. Her wisdom regarding the trinity of body, mind, and spirit arises out of a lifetime of experiential, professional, and spiritual learning.
Compassionate, yet frank, Anita uses her exuberant physicality and sense of humor to teach students the practical application of JSJ in daily life. Anita instills students with an expansive perspective on JSJ, presenting it not as magic bullet for fixing what's 'wrong', but as an adaptive, fluid way to approach and engage the trinity of body, mind, and spirit, throughout our ever-changing lives. Anita initially began her teaching relationship with Jin Shin Jyutsu by teaching self-help classes in NYC and working in hospital settings with people with critical labels.
About the 5-Day Seminar: Previous experience not needed to attend Part 1. Anyone can participate and learn about this physio-philosophy, experience universal awareness awaken within you, and feel your daily tensions melt away. This is an amazing opportunity to learn from a highly experienced instructor/practitioner how to use our hands to harmonize energy in our own bodies and the bodies of others. When our energy is harmonized, the body can heal itself. I hope you can join our wonderful community. Connect below to ask questions. The requirement to attend Part 2 is the attendance of Part 1.
The 5-Day Basic Seminar is for those who want to study and practice Jin Shin Jyutsu and to apply the Art on themselves and others, being the testimony of this simple, profound Art of Living, made known to us by Mary Burmeister and Jiro Murai.
Each seminar consists of two parts:
Part 1, the foundation, introduces the dynamic qualities of the 26 Safety Energy Locks, the Trinity Flows, the concepts of Depths within the body, and the Physio-Philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Interspersed with lecture are ample periods of hands-on application.
Part 2 (prerequisite: Part 1) introduces the 12 organ flows, listening to pulses, the Special Body Flows and how these contribute to harmonizing body, mind and spirit.
Click here for event logistics.
Register BEFORE March 7, 2019 to receive the early bird discount.
Join the mailing list on the contact page for advance notification
of class dates, early bird dates, and location for the next meeting in 2021.
FIRST 5-Day Seminar? You are a NEW student:
>>> New student registration: CLICK HERE
>>> Review student registration: CLICK HERE
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