Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a physio-philosophy that involves the application of the hands for gently balancing the flow of life energy in the body ...
... more generally, it is the awakening to awareness of complete harmony within the self and the universe. It is the art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in the body. Our bodies contain several energy pathways that feed life into all of our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this damming effect may lead to discomfort or even pain. This blockage or stagnation will not only disrupt the local area but will continue and eventually dis-harmonize the complete path or paths of the energy flow. Through Jin Shin Jyutsu our awareness is awakened to the simple fact that we are endowed with the ability to harmonize and balance ourselves (in rhythm with the Universe) physically, mentally and spiritually. You may read more about this healing art through the Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. website, studies, and research page (click here).
"We are human BEings, not human doings."
~ Mary Burmeister
Jin Shin Jyutsu was rediscovered by Master Jiro Murai early in the 20th century. His student, Mary Burmeister, brought the Art from Japan to America in the 1950's.
Learn more my clicking here to view the Research and Resources page.
Offerings and information:
Lara is currently offering guided online self-harmonizing healing sessions. You will be mindfully guided through each stage of multiple healing flows. Contact for more information.
~ You will benefit the most by receiving a minimum of three flows over a short period of time (typically once a week for three weeks). Depending on what kind of healing projects you're seeking to harmonize and how deep you want to go. These practices give you the tools to continue harmonizing on your own. Self harmonizing practices provide you with an opportunity for lightening bolt awakening and powerful transformation.
Contact to schedule a session.